
Memorable Quotes: Lap Dance

"Oh, great! Here we go. I'm just another cock getting wired into the global economy. Uhhh, how should I look like? Bond-like neutrality? As though I'm so used to real-life naked women? Or, don't want to be rude... smiling encouragement? That's not a leer, is it? Got to avoid the leer at all costs. And the dribble. Oh God, she looks amazing. This really should not be allowed. This is what men want and we shouldn't be allowed to have it because it's horrible and it make you feel sick! Oh great, now I'm getting an erection. How grimly predictable."
- Mark Corrigan, Peep Show


Odds & Ends: Ice, Traveling, Repeating Oneself, YouTube

Thoughts while trying to get to sleep last night:
  • I'm always torn over whether or not to get ice when I buy a fountain pop. On one hand, I prefer not to dilute the flavour of, say, my Dr. Pepper with a handful of ice cubes that will eventually water down the drink. On the other hand, no ice means that I have to plow through an oversized Dr. P in ten minutes or less, lest it get all warm and gross.
  • I generally resent people who travel a lot, particularly overseas. I mean, I'm not a jerk about it, but it's there on some level. It's not necessarily a matter of being jealous -- often I wouldn't care to go to the places they're going. It stems more from the fact that I feel very protective of my own city and country, and almost take it as a sign of disrespect that these travelers are constantly trying to get away from it.
  • When I'm talking to someone and they have to ask me to repeat myself a couple times, I feel really embarrassed, like I'm speaking way too low or mumbling. But when I have to ask someone to repeat themselves multiple times, I feel equally embarrassed, like they're speaking at a standard volume and my hearing is just awful. I should let myself off the hook in one situation or the other, right? But which??
  • I don't really get people who can spend hours at a time on YouTube, clicking from one video to another. I mean, if there's a specific focus to their browsing (say they're watching performance videos for '60s songs and keep seeing related videos that look good), I sort of understand it. But random meme-ish videos? Ugh. Whenever someone links me to a video like this, I assume it will suck until it proves otherwise. This is why I didn't watch Double Rainbow until about a week after it blew up.
  • Things I don't do nearly as much anymore that were a huge part of my formative years: Watch movies, go to live shows, chat on MSN.


Memorable Quotes: "Past Surprise"

"Past hope. Past kindness or consideration. Past justice. Past satisfaction. Past warmth or cold or comfort. Past love. But past surprise? What an endlessly unfolding tedium life would then become!"
-- Francis Wolcott, Deadwood