
OTIDT Outtakes: Tuesday April 27

Other things I did on Tuesday that could've been turned into One Thing I Did Today entries:
  • When I was taking the Spadina streetcar to the baseball game, we passed a policeman on a horse walking down the street. Whether or not this is a typical occurrence (I certainly haven't seen it since moving here), it was such a bizarre thing to me. If this police officer sees a crime being committed, would he chase the criminals on horseback? This is 2010. Why are there horses roaming the streets of the biggest city in the country?
  • At the Jays' game, we had the pleasure of sitting near a pair of attention-starved blond girls for an inning or two. They were so desperate for everyone in our section to notice them that they sported homemade Boston shirts and constantly cheered for the Red Sox despite admitting they didn't know a single player on the team; they loudly demanded to know where the beer guy was every couple minutes; they got the guy with them to take photos of them kissing.
  • Part of my job for MLB Trade Rumors is to monitor our Twitter feed (made up of local and national baseball writers) for stories we can use. These writers often include lineup updates, and last night one Flordia Marlins beat writer made an unfortunate typo in one tweet. Rather than announcing that Cody Ross would miss the evening's game because he was feeling a little sick, the writer wrote that Ross was out because he was "feeling a little dick." That one got deleted quickly.

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